Monday, September 26, 2011

Top 5 Reasons Why I Wish I Had A Pet Alien

After watching all of the Alien movies I thought (the obviously thought I'm sure everyone would have), "How wonderful would it be to own one of those as pets?!" So her is a list of my 5 reasons why I wish I had a pet Alien

Me backpacking with my pet Alien.

  1. PREDATORY CREATURE: Now first you are probably thinking, "But Victoria! Wouldn't this pet Alien attack you and use your body as a host to birth more Aliens!?," and to that comment I would say, "No way Jose!," because I'm envisioning this Alien-to-owner relationship to be built purely on love (see Alien: Resurrection to see what I mean). So while this creature is obviously a predator, he would be protecting ME and only ME. While some people might see this as a downer, I see this as a major advantage. See someone you don't like? Sick your Alien on them and they will no longer be a problem. It's like an attack dog, of huge proportion. 
  2. ACID BLOOD: What situation can you see for acid blood? SO MANY! You got a photo you want to hang, but no hammer to bang in that nail, call over your loyal Alien and have him snip out a little acid blood. Trying to dig a hole in your garden and don't have a shovel but don't wanna get your pretty little finger's dirty? Call over that Alien and spill some of that acid blood. Got fabric you want to cut a hole in but can't find your scissors? Acid blood it. There are many different situations where acid blood can come in handy. Just wait for the many opportunities! 
  3. BIG ALIEN HEADS: Big heads are not a negative thing at all, in fact they are very advantageous to any situation. Obviously the bigger the head, the better the brain capacity, meaning smart ass pet. My pet Alien could write my essays, solve long math problems, and perhaps attend classes for me in the future once it has ultimate training. 
  4. PLANTIGRADE & DIGITIGRADE: This fact applies to #3 of my list as well (attending classes as me) because when my pet Alien walks as a plantigrade organism (walking on two feet) it can walk side by side with me, like a good friend, while when it decides to go into digitigrade mode (walking on 4 legs) then it can take the position as a lovely pet at all times. 
  5. INNER MOUTH: Who doesn't love the little baby mouth inside the Alien's regular mouth? When you get bored with regular old Alien pet you can talk to the little alien who is one hundred times cuter. 


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