Sunday, October 9, 2011

Book Review: "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" by Seth Grahame-Smith

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - Amazon | Wikipedia | Goodreads
AL: VH movie - IMDB

One thing I have to give to this author is his imagination is beyond amazing. 

I've known about Seth Grahame-Smith and his writing (or re-writing? I'm not too sure what you would call it) of Jane Austen's classic Pride and Prejudice just adding a the zombies and ass-kicking to it all. I actually have a copy of his book (signed too, by the way for a zombie competition me and my friend were in where we won second place, unjustly robbed of first place, but I'd rather win signed books than an x-box any day), but to this day I have still not read it. I feel like to read a classic (even a re-written classic) like Jane Austen you really have to be in the right mind set to concentrate on everything that way you don't loose any of the details that she adds. But, since reading AL: VH I will defiantly be reading his zombie book soon (plus I can't pass up a zombie book, can I?). 

This book from beginning to end was an exciting turn of events. From finding out which famous character from the past are actually vampires (no, really, they have to be, right?) to the very end when you think you know what will be the outcome and find a twist to it all, it is a really fun read. 
Obviously from the cover either you are disgusted by the blood and then consequently even MORE disgusted by the severed head on the back cover, or you're looking at it thinking, "Totally awesome!," and you're going to go out and pick yourself up a copy immediately (at your local mom and pop shop, hopefully). When I saw it I was in the, "Totally awesome!," category and ate up the entire whimsical re-fabrication of the past. I mean how awesome does the title sound on it's own?
Luckily Aaron had bought a copy of it and it was in the house, conveniently after finishing Coraline and placing the book back into the shelf the book that first drew my attention was this and I thought I'd give it a try, since I hadn't given Grahame-Smith's other book (signed copy, did I mention that yet?) a try. 
In the end I would suggest this book for lovers of great fiction stories. I'll admit that in the beginning I was worried that my own previous knowledge of Abraham Lincoln and his life would be tainted and I would start to intertwine my truthful knowledge with some crappy fiction about vampires, but I can assure you this never happened. I enjoyed every minute of this book and suggest you do the same.

Also, a movie based on the book is in the works and is scheduled to come out sometime next year, and to that I have yet again to think, "Totally awesome!"

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