Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Countdown

Time has been slipping away from me so quickly. It seems not that long ago that I moved back to Los Angeles, became a waitress, quit being a waitress, got the babysitting twins job, starting religiously saving up money, found my future Italian family, and bought my ticket back to Italy.

Today is officially t-minus 1 week (7 days!!!) until I leave. My mind is constantly being filled with things to add to the never ending "TO DO" list, while my stomach is in a constant state of feeling like I'm going to throw up combined with that anxious feeling of excitement you get before going on an especially frightening roller coaster for the first time. I wish I could just sit down and relax, but whenever I try to my mind races on ahead of me worrying about anything and everything possible ("Do I have enough socks!?," "What boots should I wear on the plane?," "Can I fit all my electronics in my carry on bag?!," "What does one wear in the snow?!," etc. etc.)

In the meantime, I have been trying to do as much stuff that I've wanted to do before leaving the country for a possible year. I'm not even going to try to tackle information on everything but I thought I'd share some photos from the past months or so to try to sum up my adventures in good ol' US of A before I say goodbye.
Dressed up as Fionna from Adventure Time at Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo in Los Angeles. 
Time spent with friends - Ralph and I
Bowie and me at Amoeba
Days and money spent at Amoeba
Movie/show night with friends
Show included a debate between presidential candidates Frankenstein's monster and the Wolfman
Halloween spent with the twins
My wonder twins
My baby
Stanley Kubrick exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (which was AMAZING)

The Unhappiest of all reindeer 
Fun learnings at the Natural History Museum with friends
Time spent with my best friend
My best friend is one supreme mother - Charlie's first birthday party!

This will most likely be my last update from Los Angeles, so here's to new beginnings! Next time I blog I'll be bloggin from another country! How crazy is that!? I still think over and over that I must be completely mad and totally out of my mind to have made such a life changing decision to abandon my American life in the way that I am, but hopefully at the end of it all I will look back on the decision and be confident that I made the right choice. 

My next few days will be spent at Disneyland, one last dentist trip (you can never be too safe when it comes to proper dental hygiene!), going away gathering with family and friends, and my last two days spent packing and trying to organize a year's worth of necessities into one suitcase.  


  1. how's the au pair thing in milan going? what made you choose italy? made a similar choice when i was younger. i understand where you're coming from...

    1. So far, so good! It has it's difficulties, but I think I made the right decision. I chose Italy because I've lived here before, I've studied the language now for 3 years, and my great grandfather came from Italy, so maybe it's somewhere in my blood that draws me here, who knows?
      Wow, what was your decision and where did you go?


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