Now if you know anything about me, you know that I am a huge Star Wars fan. Anything Star Wars and I'm totally into it, which is how I came up with this post. Now I know some die-hard Star Wars fans out there think that Boba Fett is nothing more than a glorified hit man, while I think he's pretty bad ass, even if he got knocked into the pitt of the Sarlacc. The San Francisco Chronicle describes Boba Fett fans as, "among the most passionate," and you can count me in that bunch, so here are my top 5 reasons why I wish I was Boba Fett.
Boba Victoria |
- MANDALORIAN WARRIOR: Doesn't that title just sound awesome? I mean, if there's anyone out there that you don't want to get caught in a battle with, it's someone called a "Mandalorian warrior." Mandalorians are most well known for their amazing armor (it's known that trooper armor is based on the battle armor and gear of the Mandalorians). Because of their awesome armor, which varies from person to person, they're trade of choice is bounty hunting, hence the most well known of all Mandalorians, BOBA FETT. So, basically, being Boba Fett is like being a bad-ass 24/7. Who wouldn't want that?!
- HANGIN' WITH THE SITHS: Obviously Boba and Siths do not always see eye to eye, but working for such an elite Sith Lord, like Darth Vader obviously has it's perks ($.$). Plus, a Boba always needs money for the ladies and to keep his ship, Slave I, in tip top shape!
- CLONE CHILD: This may not sound like a cool reason to want to be Boba Fett, but I think it's pretty cool, because you were the one clone that got to be special, when all the rest had to be made into little slave warrior workers (bummer bro). Plus, growing up as Boba Fett, you could always just replace yourself with a clone to get out of class and other unfortunate situations, because it's like having a million twins! Plus you're "father" is Jango!
- CAPTURING HAN SOLO: This little bit is a conflicting one for me, because I'm a huge Han Solo fan, yet when I put myself in Boba Fett's shoes (boots, blaster boots, etc.) I tend to think that capturing and freezing him in carbonite is my total claim to fame and my shining moment. So while I love me some Han Solo, I have to admit, capturing him (for the brief moment in time that he was actually captured) being Boba Fett is like floating on cloud 9.
- BAD-ASS-NESS: If you've only seen the movies, then you don't know that this happens. THE FETT ALWAYS WINS!
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